Tuesday, February 2, 2010

my stance on global warming

I believe that global warming is most certainly occurring, although I do not believe that man is the largest contributing factor. There are charts and graphs from literally hundred of sources from both sides of the debate, but ultimately the cause is natural. Although man might not be the main source of a global temperature raise, it is still beneficial to man to cut pollution and greenhouse gasses. The cut in our carbon footprint would be a healthy thing to do, and greatly reduce environmentally caused illnesses. The mass hysteria created by the mass media and political outlets, such as Al Gore, have created an unnecessary pandemic of "Global Warming". These sources promote drastic change in our daily lives that are, frankly, unrealistic, whether it be financially challenging or time consuming. It is not practical to tell someone with eight children to go buy a Prius or get fined, Or a family living barely above the poverty line to buy light bulbs and double the price or bio degratable garbage bags for triple the price.

1 comment:

  1. When you say that the globe is warming, what exactly are you suggesting? 1 degree? 12 degrees? Are you using the average global temperature or the more isolated readings? While the answer to this question is really not the main point of your post, I think it would be useful to where you take this argument.

    I am intrigued by the fact that you think global warming is a serious economic issue. I would agree with you that there are certain enviromnental stances that don't make any sense as policy (i.e. your prius example), but I think that biodegradeable trash bags are an important environmental phenomenon. I think that the recent Texas law making it illegal to throw yard waste away in regular trash bags is an important decision to curb wasted space in land fills. We must begin to face the fact that we are a throw-away society and there is only so much space where all this junk can go. Biodegradeable bags are not the silver bullet for this, but it is a start.
